The fire protection solutions market is constantly changing. There could be new regulations regarding the locks on doors, the number of sprinklers in a space, or the type of alarm systems that need to be installed.

And, regardless of your industry, if you’re a business owner, you need to be aware of these changes, and you absolutely need to stay compliant both for your own safety, as well as the safety of anyone who walks through your front door.

Here’s how you can navigate ongoing shifts in fire protection codes without feeling as if staying compliant takes more time than actually doing what you do best — running your business.

Be Aware That NFPA Code is Always Changing

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) updates their safety codes each year. This isn’t to be a nuisance to the businesses that are working to stay in compliance — it’s for their safety and the safety of their patrons. What is considered compliant and safe is always changing based on updated technology and knowledge.

While you should review the latest NFPA code and confirm that you’re in compliance, rest assured that this is what fire protection companies like AIE do for a living. They live and breathe these safety codes, and it’s their job to know what has changed, what the code looks like today, and what their customers need to do to adapt.

Work With a Fire Protection Company to Stay Up-to-Date

It’s the job of a fire protection company like AIE to stay up-to-date on the latest regulations. With hundreds of pages of fire safety code released each year, it can feel like a full-time job to stay on top of the current code and necessary updates year-after-year.

Luckily, it is AIE’s full-time job to do exactly that. By working with a fire protection company, you shift the responsibility of understanding compliance to a knowledgeable partner who knows each line inside and out. Recognizing the nuances between different types of fire sprinkler systems and fire protection equipment is exactly what AIE specializes in, and you can rest easy knowing someone else has it under control.

Schedule Regular Inspections

Regardless of whether you have the most compliant fire protection system, it’s only good if it’s functioning. Work with a fire protection company to schedule regular inspections on a cadence that is best for your business and industry.

These inspections should occur with enough regularity to make sure you’re always staying in compliance with current fire protection codes.

Review Your Inspection Report With Your Fire Protection Company

While it’s your fire protection company’s job to inspect your system and make sure it’s functioning properly, it’s still important to understand the results, particularly when it comes to changes that have been made to keep your business compliant. These changes may impact your budget or even the layout of your space, and it’s critical that you’re involved in any major adaptations based on fire protection code changes.

Consult With Your Fire Protection Company After Any Major Repairs

If there are any major repairs made to your space, it’s a good idea to bring your fire protection company back in for another inspection. Renovations or repairs could impact how the fire protection code is applied to your space, and another inspection should be done to maintain compliance.

If you’re now realizing that your life could be made easier by enlisting the help of a fire protection company to navigate changing fire protection codes, contact AIE. We’re happy to discuss possible options for a fire protection plan that keeps you in compliance even in the face of evolving requirements.