Fire Protection Services for Grocery Stores & Supermarkets
If you run a regional grocery store or supermarket chain, you’re aware of the unique fire hazards in grocery store environments and how important it is to keep occupants safe from grocery store fires. You need regular grocery store maintenance for fire safety systems. However, managing your fire safety systems’ maintenance, inspections, and repair can be a challenge.
Wouldn’t it be a relief to know you don’t have to handle all the ins-and-outs of fire protection at your grocery stores anymore? Partnering with AIE’s experienced team to handle your fire protection program reduces management stress and allows them to focus on running the day to day operations while AIE ensures your fire protection is code compliant.
With AIE as your nationwide compliance partner for grocery chain and supermarket fire protection, you can finally stop worrying! You no longer have to manage fire safety on your own or with several different fire protection companies – AIE is here to be your single-source, commercial fire protection partner.

AIE offers all fire protection inspections, repair, and maintenance on grocery-specific fire sprinkler and kitchen suppression systems, backflow preventers, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and more. We make it easy to stay code-compliant and safe 24/7 without disruption and with maximum efficiency.

Fire Sprinkler Systems

Fire Suppression Systems

Life Safety Systems

Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Extinguishers

Backflow Preventer Assemblies

Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems

Water Supply Systems

Emergency Lighting Systems

Special Hazards
Grocery Store Fire Hazards
According to the NFPA, grocery stores have a higher frequency of fires (27%) versus other retail stores and are the third-highest in losses (16%), with a 33+% increase in total direct property damage between 2001-2015. Grocery store and supermarket fire protection is not to be taken lightly.
You may be surprised to learn, grocery store fire hazards aren’t only in areas with cooking and heating equipment such as delis, bakeries, and grab-n-go foods. They also include:
- Massive electrical distribution to industrial coolers and overhead lighting
- Discarded stock boxes that can be set aflame with the slightest spark
- Flammable liquids (lighter fluid, pesticides, cleaning products, etc.)
- Smoking areas with cigarette ashes that go astray (cigarettes cause 9% of fires)
- Overloaded electrical sockets and misuse of extension cords
To reduce fire hazard risk and keep your customers and staff safe:

Have the correct grocery store fire protection in place.
AIE will work with you to ensure you have the proper fire protection in place per NFPA and local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) requirements.
Perform mandatory grocery store fire protection inspections.
Our team will inspect each grocery store fire sprinkler, backflow preventer assembly, fire suppression system, fire extinguisher, fire alarm, emergency lighting, and all other fire protection equipment regularly, per NFPA and AHJ regulations and codes.
Pay close attention to your grocery stores' fire extinguishers.
Fire extinguishers should be the right class for the area (A,B,C, K). Extinguishers should be easily accessible, inspected monthly by staff, and fully charged per NFPA 10. Every employee must also know how to use a fire extinguisher.
Hold grocery store fire prevention training.
Train every employee on the specifics of grocery store and supermarket fire protection prevention and safety when hired, and again once a year. Employees must also know where your written fire prevention policies are located.
Thirty-four years of compiled data shows that portable fire extinguishers were effective in extinguishing fires 95% of the time. – National Association of Fire Equipment Distributors (NAFED)
Grocery Store Fire Protection Systems & Inspections
AIE is a long-standing, national fire protection company that understands regional grocery store and supermarket fire protection challenges and needs. We take great care to manage each location’s fire protection, fire equipment inspections, and life safety with professionalism and expertise. Whether you need regular grocery store maintenance or one-time repair, we’re here to help.

Fire Sprinklers for Grocery Stores
Fire sprinklers are the most common fire protection systems in grocery stores because they extinguish fires rapidly and effectively. Sprinkler systems offer versatility and compatibility within a variety of grocery store areas.
- AIE can help you design or choose new or retrofitted fire sprinkler systems.
- Our nationwide licensed technicians will inspect, maintain, and repair sprinkler systems as required by NFPA standards and provide electronic documentation of each service call.

Kitchen Suppression Systems for Grocery Stores
Kitchen fire suppression systems are required by NFPA in any commercial kitchen area. These systems use non-water agents to “suffocate” the fire and stop the spread of grease fires fast.
- AIE can help you choose the appropriate kitchen suppression system for each area.
- Our nationwide licensed technicians inspect semi-annually, maintain, and repair suppression systems as required by NFPA and AHJ standards and provide electronic documentation of each service.

Fire Alarms for Grocery Stores
Loud, flashing fire alarms and fire alarm monitoring ensure all grocery store and supermarket occupants evacuate immediately, saving lives and potentially many thousands of dollars in property damage.
- AIE performs fire alarm inspections and works with your AHJ to provide code-compliant fire alarms.
- Our nationwide licensed technicians also maintain and repair existing fire alarm systems as required by NFPA and AHJ standards and provide electronic documentation of each service visit.

Fire Extinguishers for Grocery Stores
Fire extinguishers can stop the smallest of fires from burning out of control, saving lives and property. That’s why every business is required to have them, no matter how big or small.
- AIE’s experienced team can assist with choosing the right type of extinguishers for your grocery stores and perform annual fire extinguisher inspections, which must be completed by a licensed technician.
- Our nationwide licensed technicians also recharge or replace fire extinguishers as required and provide electronic documentation of each service visit.
AIE also offers third-party inspection management to create a bridge of communication between local inspectors and your staff. Our team, led by a former fire marshal, knows what is required and what the inspector likes to see, which often results in quicker resolution at a lower cost and an enhanced relationship with AHJ. Our approach ensures focus on the proper job, at the proper time, with the proper costs.
Our licensed fire technicians keep detailed electronic records and perform:

All quarterly to 20-year inspections

Maintenance + Repairs

Equipment Testing
24/7/265 Toll-Free Emergency Hotline Answered by AIE Staff
Never a Third-party Call Center
Have an emergency? AIE is the ONLY single-source fire protection company that offers a toll-free hotline, 1-888-AIE-PALS (243-7257), always answered by knowledgeable, friendly AIE staff, never a third-party call center.
AIE’s fast, one-call process calms the panic and gives you power over the situation.
Since 1983, AIE has been providing peace of mind as a one-call, one-invoice, national source to our grocery store and supermarket clients. Fire protection managed by a single point of contact offers simplified compliance, record keeping, and maintenance.

What Makes AIE Unique?
Much more than a slogan, “Stopping fire before it spreads,” is the very bedrock of our corporate culture, and serves as a constant reminder of the unwavering commitment to be a leader in all fire protection matters.
- AIE is one of the nation’s Top Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Companies.
- Nothing competes with experience; we have 37+ years of longevity in the field.
- No other company is truly a single-source fire protection company.
- We have professional relationships with Fire Marshals and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) all over the U.S.
- Our 24/7 toll-free emergency hotline is always answered by AIE staff – yes, even on holidays!
- We provide the best national fire protection services because AIE has developed an optimized, nationwide contractor network.
- We have our own in-house, licensed engineers who take a personal interest in your fire protection projects.
- AIE is known for helping clients drive down costs with knowledgeable decisions and bulk negotiated rates.

AIE provides swift action and expert, cost-effective fire solutions with integrity, so you can experience the many benefits of having one fire protection partner for all locations who specializes grocery store and supermarket fire safety.
To minimize fire risk, achieve fire safety compliance, and efficiently manage fire protection at all national and regional locations of grocery stores, supermarkets, wholesale clubs, retail chains, big-box stores, distribution facilities, and large specialty stores, contact us today for a no-obligation conversation. 800-892-9863
We are here to prevent grocery store fires at your locations!